Nounish Composition

  • Nouns are typically depicted 'head-on' or with a slight rotation to the right to match their 3/4 pose.
  • example
  • Generally designed flat with high contrasts and no outlines.
  • Traits are layered in that order: Body, Accessory, Head, Glasses.
    drawing orderAccessory traits will be layered over the Body, Head traits will be layered over both Accessory and Body, and Glasses will be layered over everything.
    Ensure there is sufficient space below the Head for accessories. We recommend submitting monochrome Body traits to avoid clashes with accessories. If you wish to create a detailed Body trait, consider making it an accessory as it will cover the body underneath.
  • Avoid too many colors per Noun. The average noun has 4-5 colors, rarely more than 10.
  • GhostPyramidSandwich
  • Maintain the head size within a circular crop for social media.
  • head crop

    From the nounders in last year noundry channel, avoid:

      - Brand references

      - Obvious weapons (bomb made the cut because it's cartoon violence)

      - Skin on the body (yellow thumbs up made it in as it's generic recognizable iconography)

      - People heads where it would seem like the noun is a person in a costume (there was a clown for example)

      - Professions/hobbies as body accessories - we didn't want to imply nouns have jobs or are specifically sports fans, etc


    noundry studio
  • We recommend using Noundry Studio to create and remix traits while making sure you stay compatible with the current Nouns palette.
  • You can copy nounish color values by clicking the palette below.
  • Yellow & Based